Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Andean Explorer Cusco to Puno 17 March 2012

 We took the luxury train from Cusco to Puno rather than go by bus; the train was very comfortable with lounge chairs and table service.
The train left Cusco at 8am sharp and we were treated to free Pisco Sours at about 10am a bit early to start drinking but it was free.
There was some Peruvian music and dancing just before lunch at 1pm which was a 3 course meal and quite delicious.
High Tea was served at 4.30pm and we arrived in Puno at about 6pm

 We did pass through a number of towns on the way and also had a stop off at La Raya 210 km from Puno which at 4321 metres above sea level was the highest point of the trip

Views of the Andes

Doing the washing

The view from our hotel
Puno doesn’t have much to offer other than being a stop off for Lake Titicaca but our hotel sitting right on the edge of the lake was nice and we had Alpacas sitting outside the restaurant.

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