Saturday, March 17, 2012

Aguas Calientes 15 March 2012

 So after descending from Machu Pichhu we spent the night in this lovely little town full of restaurants and market stalls. The next day was raining so we decided to just wander around town and we did some souvenir shopping while waiting for the return journey.
 Aguas Calientes is around 400metres below Machu Picchu and is split in two by a river that rushes with incredible speed, it is hard to hold a conversation if you sit at the outside tables in some of the restaurants such is the noise generated by the river.

Garbage collection

This river flows through the middle of town

 The train also runs through the middle of town so that people wander across the tracks keeping an eye out for any trains that might be coming.
Peru is a beautiful country; the people are very friendly but very poor. It is incredibly cheap to eat everywhere in Peru with most meals costing less than $10 ph including a drink. We did go to what we were advised was the best restaurant in Cusco, Chi Cha run by a decorated chef from Lima, here the dearest meal on the menu was S48 with an exchange rate of S2.8 to A$1 the dearest meal worked out at A$17

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