Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ushuaia Argentina 18 February 2012

 Ushuaia (pronounced ush-why-ah) is situated on the Beagle Channel and is only about 600 miles from the Antarctic. The Beagle Channel is a 150mile long body of water named after the British Ship HMS Beagle that sailed through here twice, the second time with Charles Darwin aboard during missions of discovery in the1800’s.

 It started as a penal colony in 1884 and has grown to be the largest community in the region with a population of approximately 70,000.

Got up very early this morning as we were travelling through the channel of Glaciers, it was quite dark but the sun just managed to rise before we arrived at the last glacier, quite spectacular 

Today we visited the town and the military museum (formerly the prison) before trying the speciality of the area King Crab that was delicious

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