Monday, February 27, 2012

Montevideo Uruguay 24 Feb 2012

On first sighting Magellan wrote in his diary “I saw a hill” thus the name Monte ( hill) and video (see) 

Unfortunately the wind was very strong yesterday and we were unable to use the tenders at Punta del Este, so we just sailed around in circles for 24 hrs waiting for a berth at Montevideo, luckily it was warm so we were able to spend some time in the pool.

 Splendour of the Seas joined us in port at about 6am but was gone by the time we got back to the ship at 4pm

Montevideo has a population of about 1.5m and is made up of an old city, which is full of old European buildings and a new city with apartment blocks ,and beaches a bit like the Gold Coast

The old city has a very strong Portugese influence in its architecture and parts of it look very much like Valetta in Malta.

Today we did a tour of the old city before heading out to the Bouza winery for a wine tasting including cold meat and cheese from the region with some freshly baked bread.

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